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Bern Parliament votes to have official notifications in Kurdish

The Bern Cantonal Parliament voted on Thursday to have official notifications in the Kurmanji dialect of Kurdish.

The Bern Cantonal Parliament voted on Thursday to have official notifications in the Kurmanji dialect of Kurdish.

Bern Kurdish Cultural Association, Bern Alevi Cultural Association and KUTUSCH (Kurdish and Turkish-Swiss Solidarity Association) acted jointly and presented the bill, which was prepared as a result of the signatures they gathered in the Bern Canton, to the parliament.

Before the bill was presented, Kurdish activist Yeşim Ekici gave an informative speech about it.

The canton of Bern is the second largest by population and surface area in Switzerland.

After Yeşim Ekici and other parties and groups’ speeches, the vote took place.

The bill was passed with 64 yes, 6 no and 3 abstentions. After the positive result of the vote, a group of Kurds who followed the debate thanked the parliament with a strong applause.


This news first appeared at Firat News Agency (ANF)


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