Save the Kurdish Institute of Paris



The Kurdish institute is about to disappear, is in danger of dying! It has no more money. The best, the biggest Kurdish Institute, which represents 25 million Kurds — perhaps even 30, the only people without a State — the Institute is threatened. So, please, it must be helped.

First of all the petition must be signed. Sign the petition calling on the public authorities to again give it its former grants, so that the Kurdish Institute of Paris may be able to continue working.

Firstly the petition, and secondly the donations: everything depends on you! Think about the values that the Kurds are defending in this Middle East of barbarians, murderers and extreme violence — the Kurds are fighting in our name: in the name of democracy, of equality of men and women, of elections! In the name of the separation of Islam and government — these are our values.

The are there, they are our friends and they are fighting for us as well. So, for all these reasons, you must make donations. Donations are necessary, so that the Kurdish Institute, which symbolically represents us too, in this struggle. If you can, do yet more — if you can set up circuits, contacts so that we don’t allow this Institute to die, I think you will have done a really good deed.

I thank you and welcome you.





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