Perhaps one should take a look at long-standing federal systems such as Switzerland or the USA to see that these can also be well-functioning models for states that are characterized by high levels of diversity. In the evolving landscape of northern Syria, multiple forces compete for influence and control, reshaping …
Bêtir »Syria’s HTS Leader Holds First Talks with Kurdish-led SDF
The meeting between Ahmed al-Sharaa and the SDF is a cautious but meaningful step toward addressing Syria’s enduring divisions. While significant hurdles lie ahead, continued dialogue could play a critical role in shaping the country’s future amidst ongoing conflict and foreign interference. Syria’s HTS leader, Ahmed al-Sharaa, held his first …
Bêtir »Dysfunctional Federalism in Iraq: Looking to the Canadian Example
Since the 1922 revolts in British-mandate Iraq, Kurdish leaders have been advocating for autonomy for the part of Kurdistan that was incorporated into Iraq. The pursuit of autonomy for Iraqi Kurds has been a struggle spanning a century. Following the initial Iraqi-Kurdish autonomy agreement in 1970, the Iraqi government launched …
Bêtir »Federalîzma Bosnayê di xetereyê de ye
Li gorî pêşniyazqanûna hat qebûlkirin, Repûblîka Sirpska wê bikaribe ji sazî û xebatên navendî ya Bosna-Hersekê vekişe. Yanî bi gotineke din, rêvebiriya herêmê wê bikaribe ji artêş, sîstema bacê, mekanîzmaya edaletê û ewlekariya civakî vekişe û di dewsa wan de di nava xwe de saziyên bi vî rengî damezrîne. Bêguman …
Bêtir »Federaliya alman ji jakobeniya fransî serkeftîtir e
Ji bilî plûralîzma di warê biryara siyasî de, li Almanyayê derfetên xizmetên tenduristiyê jî di nava eyaletan de bi denge û wekhev hatine parvekirin. Tora enstîtuyên lêkolînên zanistî û zanîngeh di dewsa ku li çend navendên mezin kom bibin, li her aliyê welêt belav bûne. Li cîhanê belavbûna korona di …
Bêtir »The Nation State
The state The State is a social contract, a guarantee of social order in exchange for which the citizens agree to reduce their freedom. According to Carré de Malberg, one of France’s leading constitutional scholars, “the state is a community of men attached to a territory with an organization, from which …
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