Turkish physician leader’s arrest condemned by WMA

The World Medical Association has issued a strong condemnation about the arrest in Turkey of Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı, President of the Turkish Medical Association.

The World Medical Association has issued a strong condemnation about the arrest in Turkey of Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı, President of the Turkish Medical Association.

She was detained today in Istanbul after claims that she made comments about the use of poisonous gas against Kurds in Iraq.

‘The WMA joins those who are calling for an independent investigation into reports that chemical gases were used by the Turkish authorities against the PKK group.

Dr. Frank Ulrich Montgomery, Chair of the WMA Council, said today: ‘It is totally unacceptable that Dr. Korur Fincancı has been detained and that members of the Turkish Medical Association are being threatened with suspension.

‘The WMA joins those who are calling for an independent investigation into reports that chemical gases were used by the Turkish authorities against the PKK group. These perpetual attacks on members of the Turkish Medical Association are completely unjustified.’


This news first appeared at WMA website.


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