‘Kurdish people have the right to use their own language in public and in education and to receive information in their mother tongue. Our linguistic riches should be celebrated, not destroyed.’ ‘Kurdish people have the right to use their own language in public and in education and to receive information …
Bêtir »15 bar associations: Erasing writings in Kurdish harms the culture of coexistence and social peace
15 bar associations reacted against the hostile policies towards the Kurdish language and emphasised that attacks against Kurdish are an indication of intolerance towards the existence and culture of Kurds. 15 bar associations made a joint written statement on the removal of the traffic warning signs “Hêdî (Slowly)” and “Pêşî …
Bêtir »Mafên ziman ji bo hemû miletan
Însîyatîfa ziman ku di 2020an de wekî platformeke dijital hatîye avakirin, wekî misyon wekhevîya bikaranîna zimanan a di qada dîjîtal de daye ber xwe. Însîyatîf hewl dide problemên li pêşîya bikaranîna dîjîtal a zimanên hatine marjînalkirin çareser bike. Koalîsyona Cîhanî ya ji bo Mafên Ziman (The Global Coalition for Language …
Bêtir »Ukrainian language, arts, and culture
Ukrainian is a Slavic language written in the Cyrillic script and spoken by around 40 million people. The modern Ukrainian language appears in print in the late 18th century, and has since produced rich literature that is finally getting the attention it deserves outside of Ukraine, thanks to a renewed …
Bêtir »Teacher expelled for speaking Kurdish in Turkey
The use of Kurdish in public was banned in Turkey in the 1990s, and Kurds weren’t allowed to learn their mother tongue. There were restrictions for kindergartens, city theaters, and cultural clubs operating in the Kurdish language. A secondary school teacher at the Mersin Akdeniz District Ulubatlı Hasan Secondary School …
Bêtir »Kurdish is forbidden at prisons in Turkey
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan before Local Election of 31 March 2019 claimed that Kurdish was allowed in prison. Unfortunately, Kurdish publications, television and radio channels have been banned and authorities have not allowed Kurdish language to be spoken during the meeting between prisoners and their parents. Aqide Ertas, mother of …
Bêtir »Words in Mother Tongues Recorded as ‘X’ in Parliament Minutes
MPs from opposition parties celebrated the February 21 Mother Tongue Day in yesterday’s parliamentary session with messages in Kurdish and in the languages of minorities in Turkey.The words in languages other than Turkish were recorded as “x” in the minutes of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM). On the …
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