Perhaps one should take a look at long-standing federal systems such as Switzerland or the USA to see that these can also be well-functioning models for states that are characterized by high levels of diversity. In the evolving landscape of northern Syria, multiple forces compete for influence and control, reshaping …
Bêtir »Kurdish strategic wisdom in action
A recent analysis by Ezda Deniz Stara examines the historical roots of the Kurdish question in the Middle East and discusses why the region, and Syria in particular, have become a centre of war. She also discusses how the model proposed by imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan can show a …
Bêtir »Amnesty International calls for an end to Turkey’s ‘crackdown on peaceful dissent’
There has been a wave of protest in Turkey since Kurdish journalists Nazım Daştan and Cîhan Bilgin were killed in a Turkish drone strike in northeast Syria. The Turkish state has been cracking down hard on those who voice their anger. Amnesty International has issued a statement calling out Turkey …
Bêtir »Kurdish congress highlights existential threats, advocates urgent unity
Kurdistan National Congress’ Adem Uzun underscored the existential threats facing Kurds in the Middle East, advocating an urgent national unity conference to safeguard their future. “Either we disappear or we secure significant gains,” stated Adem Uzun at the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) meeting, stressing the existential threats facing Kurds as …
Bêtir »Swedish lawyers warn persecution of Kurds leading country ‘off the rails’
Repression of Kurdish political activity at Turkey’s behest is “Kafkaesque” and “does not belong in a modern legal system or a democratic country,” twenty-five lawyers say in open letter. Political persecution of Kurds in Sweden has “gone off the rails,” twenty-five lawyers in the Nordic country have warned. Members of …
Bêtir »“Everything is by the Power of the Weapon”
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has identified serious abuses and potential war crimes committed by both the Turkish Armed Forces and their proxies in Syria, warning that Turkish officials appear directly involved in apparent war crimes. Turkey is directly implicated in serious abuses and potential war crimes committed by both members …
Bêtir »Kurdish women’s experience of state violence in Turkey
Later he too [my second son] was wounded, but it was not serious. He told me, ‘Mom, do not take me to the hospital, if you take me there, they will kill me.’ How was I supposed to know? We took him there and they killed him. This is my …
Bêtir »Professor Emeritus of International Politics Christodoulos Yiallourides: “Greeks and Kurds have similar existences regarding the preservation of their identities.”
The Turkish – Greek relations are extremely contentious in today’s world. In order to better understand this issue, Necat Ayaz interviewed Christodoulos Yiallourides, Professor Emeritus of International Politics and director of the Centre of Eastern Studies for Culture and Communication at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences . …
Bêtir »Tortured in Turkey, badly treated in Greece and seeking asylum in Switzerland: The plight of a Kurdish woman journalist
Fatos’s 20 years have passed in constant dislocations and resistance for relocation as a result of persecutions against her and her family members. Beginning with the leaving behind of her village, she no longer could stop her never-ending move to new lands where she has not yet been successful to …
Bêtir »HDP regains control of main Kurdish cities despite state repression
The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP, Kurdish left) regained control of the main cities of North Kurdistan in the local elections held in Turkey 31 March. The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP, Kurdish left) regained control of the main cities of North Kurdistan in the local elections held in Turkey 31 March. …
Bêtir »All roads lead to Athens
Necat Ayaz Besides thousands of them have already crossed the dangerous waters of Maritsa river and the routes for islands, still thousands of them have been preparing themselves secretly in Greece’s eastern neighbor have been waiting the day of liberation from persecution. No matter from where they will cross the …
Bêtir »Interview with Professor Abbas Vali
I am largely convinced that the political situation and the political movement in Iranian Kurdistan will primarily start as a cultural and social movement. Then, a kind of leadership will be emerging from this cultural, social development and if the situation permits, there will be new political force(s) in various …
Bêtir »MRG calls on Turkey to end pressure on Kurdish institutions
MRG calls on Turkey government to end pressure on pro-Kurdish institutions and urges renewed dialogue with PKK for peaceful solution to current conflict Press Release Grave violations of the Kurdish community’s rights to political participation and freedom of expression are seriously undermining all hope for true democracy and lasting …
Bêtir »Blockade in Kurdish region in worse than Gaza
by Ergun Babahan This article was originally published in Turkish on Özgür Düşünce with the title ‘Basement of shame’ and was translated to English by Kurdish Question. For many days now, 26 people, covered in blood and in need of water, have been awaiting an ambulance in a basement in the Kurdish …
Bêtir »For Kurdish youth in Turkey, autonomy is no longer enough
Diyarbakir’s Kurdish community has a long tradition of resistance. Many in the younger generation grew up with images of dead relatives – martyrs from the PKK-Turkey war of the nineties. By Dominique Soguel DIYARBAKIR, TURKEY — In her flowing dress, leather sandals, and sunglasses, Ozgur Yesha, whose name …
Bêtir »Water: source of life and conflict in the Land of Rivers
By Joris Leverink On August 1, 2015 For years, the Turkish central government, led by the former prime minister and current president Erdogan, has claimed that there is no such thing as a “Kurdish problem”, denying the fact that the country’s Kurdish population has been discriminated against on the …
Bêtir »What kind of peace? The case of the Turkish and Kurdish peace process
Photo: Kurds demonstrate in Strasbourg calling for Ocalan’s release, February 2015. Demotix/ Jonathan Rae. All rights reserved. Past experience suggests that this unclarity about the peace process may once again open the door for brutal conflict. Turkey and the Kurds share the aim of ending their long-standing …
Bêtir »Faili Kurds or Pahla
Historically, the Al-Faili name was generated from the Arabic language, and the actual name was (Pahla), meaning Parthia, which was a kingdom that was based in the modern day of Iran, and it was contemporaneous with the Roman Empire. This change occurred due to the Arabic alphabet, that lacks the …
Bêtir »Democratic assimilation of the Kurds in Turkey
Dr. Hussein Tahiri Recent developments within Turkey’s mainstream political framework have led some to suggest an alternative strategy based on peaceful engagement might succeed where violence has failed. Indeed, the stunning electoral gain made by the Peoples’ Democratic Party, HDP, at the recent elections raises the question as to …
Bêtir »The Kurdish In 10 Years: The Future For Kurdistan, The End of Iraqi Borders?
As Iraqis and Syrians fight, Kurds are holding elections and drafting laws. After Kurds also won in Turkish elections, nationalists hope the 100th birthday of the Sykes-Picot may be its last and borders will be redrawn. As Turkish voters went to the polling booths, Iraq’s Kurds …
Bêtir »The HDP’s victory is a barrier against autocracy in Turkey
For the first time, a pro-Kurdish party has entered into the Turkish parliament, throwing a spanner in the works of Erdoğan’s autocratic ambitions. Turkey must be one of the few countries in the world where the supporters of the smallest party in parliament celebrate as if they are the masters …
Bêtir »