We have also a language technology department that develops automatic translators, voice synthesis technology… and some other tools that help us guarantee or increase the use and presence of Basque not only at work, but in many other areas. This is how for 52 years Elhuyar has developed new units: …
Bêtir »We don’t have our own state to fully revitalize the language
In our context, it is fundamental to say that in Euskal Herria we do not have our own state, so we cannot develop as much as we want the linguistic policy necessary to revitalize a language. We always depend on the Spanish or French states. Our language is a secondary …
Bêtir »Agurne Gaubeka: We need a restorative model that repairs all the injustices
We have to increase the usage of languages and not only the knowledge and that is not only in the will of the people. We must establish spaces for language use, spaces to consume in our languages where all activities can be carried out normally in our languages. Agurne Gaubeka …
Bêtir »Bajarê Tolosayê êdî bi baskî diaxive
Niha % 53yê zimanê li kolanên Tolosayê tê axaftin baskî ye. Tolosa bajarekî li parêzgeha Gipuzkoayê ye ku nifûsa wê li derdora 20,000î ye. Bajarê Tolosa ya li Welatê Baskê gav bi gav zêdetir bi zimanê baskî diaxive. Niha % 53yê zimanê li kolanên bajêr tê axaftin baskî ye. Alîyê …
Bêtir »