We have to increase the usage of languages and not only the knowledge and that is not only in the will of the people. We must establish spaces for language use, spaces to consume in our languages where all activities can be carried out normally in our languages. Agurne Gaubeka …
Bêtir »Linguistic struggle must be an axis of the national liberation
Interviewer: Necat Ayaz We must look at other processes of language revitalization, and in our case we have seen that in the case of Ireland, even with its own state in most of its territory, it has not resolved the language issue. I think this is a very risky option. …
Bêtir »Basque society says ‘Euskaraz Bai’ -II
Infowelat: How have you implemented Kontseilua’s strategic plan for whole country at the towns’ level? Paul Bilbao Sarria: the first years of work we had done something in small towns but now we have new project for towns. We have chosen a town place for pilot project. Firstly …
Bêtir »Basque society says ‘Euskaraz Bai’*-I
Paul Bilbao-Sarria is the Secretary-General of KONTSEILUA which is the umbrella organization for organization working in the field of Basque language. Bilbao-Sarria participated Symposium on Mother Tongue Education held in Amed (Diyarbakir) two weeks ago and gave interesting information about Basque language preservation that some of them are …
Bêtir »Spanish state prefers violence so it ignores ETA’s intention to disarm
Interview of Infowelat with Basque independentist EH Bildu’s member Jon Inarritu Garcia. He was a member of Spanish Parliament between 2011-2015 and he is currently a member of Spanish Senate for the same party. Necat Ayaz: Why Basque leftist nationalist political forces have been unsuccessful to create a strong …
Bêtir »