Necat Ayaz

Necat Ayaz is an exiled Kurdish writer and journalist originally from Turkey. He is editor and founder of Infowelat online magazine since 2013. He has been living in Belgium since 2020. He is the author of Katalonya: Dirok Ziman Otonomi (Catalonia: History Language and Autonomy) and Ispanya”da Ozyonetimin Tarihi (The History of Self-Government in Spain).

Thomas Benedikter: Autonomy in the Kurdish region will not disrupt Turkey, but makes country a better place

THOMAS BENEDIKTER is an economist and social researcher in Bozen (South Tyrol, Italy, 1957), graduated in Economics at the University of Munich (D) and in Political Economy at the University of Trento (I). Besides many years of professional activity in empirical social and economic research in his home region South …

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“Dewleta îspanyol şîdetê tercîh dike lewma guh nade biryara çekberdanê ya ETA’yê”

    Jon Inarritu parlamenterê Parlamentoya Îspanyayê ya ji partiya Aralar a neteweperestên çepgir ên Baskê yê. Aralar ji kevneşopiya Herry Batasunayê (HB) ya ku wekî milê siyasî yê ETA’yê dihat dîtin û demeke dirêj e ji aliyê Spanyayê ve hatiye qedexekirin, tê. Aralar piştî nîqaşa naxweyî ya di nava …

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