Li Fransayê zêdeyî 120 rewşenbîr, nivîskar, hiqûqnas, sporvan, hunermend û hilbijartî, ji bo bibin dengê aştiyê ji Kurdistanê re banga tevlîbûna li konferansa 13ê kanûna paşîn a Marsîlyayê kirin. Li Fransayê zêdeyî 120 rewşenbîr, nivîskar, hiqûqnas, sporvan, hunermend û hilbijartî, ji bo bibin dengê aştiyê ji Kurdistanê re banga tevlîbûna …
Bêtir »Turkey bombs Kurdish city Kobani, renowned for resistance to ISIS
Turkish jets carried out a new series of airstrikes on Friday night, targeting various sites and infrastructure facilities in Kobani (Kobanê) city in northern Syria. On Friday, the airstrikes completely destroyed all the power stations and most of the region’s oil production facilities, leaving some two million people without electricity …
Bêtir »AANES report death toll at 25 in Turkey’s Syria air strikes
The death toll in Turkey’s air strikes on north and east Syria now totals 25, including 11 civilians and 14 fighters from the Syrian regime forces, according a report released by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) reported that …
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